Introducing Spring Data Solr Tutorial

In this Spring Data Solr Tutorial, we will explain Spring Data Solr and its basics how to use it and why do we use Spring Data Solr in our application. As we know that Apache Solr is one of very popular and open source enterprise full-text search engine. Here, we will explore some examples with Spring Data Solr using Apache Solr and Spring Boot. You can find more details about the Apache Solr from its official website.

Spring Data Solr Tutorial

The Apache Solr is used to implement search functionalities in the applications. Mostly what happens, if you use the database for searching from the large scale of resources then they can kill the performance of your application. So, in this case, the Apache Solr is one of the best options to implement search functionalities in your application. Apache Solr is used via REST-like HTTP API to serve the resource to the client.

Spring Data Solr Tutorial

In this Spring Data Solr Tutorial, we will explore from installation and configuration of the Apache Solr 7.3 to CRUD operation using Spring Boot 2.0.2 RELEASE and Spring Data Solr 3.0.3.RELEASE.

Let’s see the following list of articles with this Spring Data Solr Tutorial.

  • Installing and Configuring Apache Solr 7.3
    In this article, we will introduce Apache Solr and be installing the Apache Solr 7.3. And also we will explore how to run the Apache Solr and Configure on Windows and Linux machines. We will also see how to create indexes for the Solr and upload to the Solr Server.
  • Spring Data Solr Configuration
    In this article, we will explore more about the configuration of the Spring Data Solr using Spring Boot Application. We will see how to customize the Spring Data Solr configuration using @EnableSolrRepositories annotation in the Spring Boot Application.
  • Creating Spring Data Solr Repositories
    This article will be explored about the Spring Data Solr Repositories. Adding Custom query method using @Query annotation. Also, we will learn the Solr document mapping.
  • Spring Data Solr Dynamic Queries
    In this article, we will learn how to write dynamic queries using Spring Data Solr repositories. We will see several cases of dynamic queries for the Solr Core.
  • Spring Data Solr Sorting
    In this article, we will see how to sort result coming from the Solr core server. We will explore multiple mechanisms of the Sorting using Spring Boot and Spring Data Solr application.
  • Spring Data Solr Pagination
    This article will be given more exposure about the pagination implementation in your Spring Boot application. We will see how to use Pageable and Page interface to implement pagination in the application.
  • Spring Data Solr CRUD Application Spring Boot
    Finally, in this article, we will create a Spring Boot and Spring Data Solr application with CRUD operations. We will see all the use cases of Spring Data Solr in any search application.


Congratulation, after reading these articles, you will be able to work with Spring Data Solr in the Spring Boot Application. I hope these articles will be more suitable for your learning of the Spring Data Solr and also will be helpful to your project develop where you want to use the Apache Solr for search functionalities.

Thanks for learning with the DineshonJava. You can also refer my new book related to the Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring Cloud application with microservices architecture as follows.
