JSP Include Tag Example

JSP Include tag is used to include another resource in current JSP. Another resource can be either static or dynamic file.

General syntex of JSP Include Tag look like this:


<jsp:include page="xyz" flush="true"/>


<jsp:include page="/index/index.jsp" flush="true"/>


<jsp:include page="/index/index.jsp" flush="true">
              <jsp:param name="username" value="dinesh">

Explanation: As shown above, include tag in JSP has only two attributes “page” and “flush”.

page Attribute: page attribute in JSP Include Tag specifies the relative path of the source which is going to be included in current jsp. This file can be any static or dynamic file.

flush Attribute: flush attribute in JSP Include Tag must be set to true as it does not have any default value.

param tag: param tag is useful to pass any parameter to a dynamic page. You can use more than one param tag within include tag in JSP to pass multiple parameters.

If the included file is statics, its content is directly added to the current JSP.

If included file is dynamic, it is first processed and result is included in the current JSP.

Once the included file is processed, the next line in current JSP starts processing.

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