Restful Web Services Archive

JAX-RS @PathParam example

In this article we will explain in JAX-RS, you can use @PathParam to inject the value of URI parameter that defined in @Path expression, into Java method. 1. @PathParam – Single Parameter A simple and …

JAX-RS @Path URI matching example

In this JAX-RS tutorial , you can use @Path to bind URI pattern to a Java method. See following examples to show you how it works. 1. Normal URI Matching See normal URI matching with …

Using JAX-RS With JAXB

Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) is an XML-to-Java binding technology that simplifies the development of web services by enabling transformations between schema and Java objects and between XML instance documents and Java object instances. …

Overview of a JAX-RS Application

The following code sample is a very simple example of a root resource class that uses JAX-RS annotations: package; import; import; import; // The Java class will be hosted at the …