Maven Archive

Maven Project Dependencies

For solving external libraries dependency problem Maven provides dependency management functionality for adding external libraries dependency to the project by adding some configurations into maven pom.xml file of project and then Maven downloads them for …

Maven Example Hello World

Here we are creating simple Maven Example Hello World using command prompt by executing the archetype:generate command of mvn tool.First of all going to any directory of computer machine and open command prompt. Here I …

Maven Settings File

There are two setting files maven have. These setting files have information about maven local repository, active build profile etc.The settings element in the settings.xml file contains elements used to define values which configure Maven …

Maven Directory Structure

Maven Directory Structure Maven has own standard for directory structure to create in a project. So we no need specify any directory on the project level for sources, resources, tests, plugins etc. And also we …

Maven Pom.xml File

POM is short form of Project Object Model. Maven POM file in the project describe the resources of the project. This include all dependencies, directories of source code, test, plugin, goals etc. The POM file …

Maven Repository

Maven Repository is simply directory or folder where all jars, plugins or any other projects related artifacts are available and stored for future preference. Maven searches for dependencies in the repositories. There are following three …

Difference between Maven vs Ant

Maven vs Ant both are very popular open source build tools provided Apache. Both have same goal to make easy to build process, deployment process of project. Beside from this these similarities then have major …